• One Letter
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  • Focus on getting better at being you!

Focus on getting better at being you!

You are the miracle.

Focus on getting better at You!

You are the miracle.

You do what you need to do to get things done.

All you have is now.

You the one of many.

The person who has the essence of the creator inside you.

You are one and the same of all the people around you.

The first ‘Being’ 6 million years ago has the same life force you do.

How many Beings have been created to make you?

You are not special… you are the miracle.

In the modern world I understand we all want to become better at our personal trilogy.

The 3 main areas we search for information to grow our life are health, wealth and relationships.

They all tie together to give us the experience of life.

At OWP I call them the glow up, the grow up and the wake up.

All 3 need to grow, so you can cycle your life towards becoming better at your own life.

Focusing on mastering your life experience gives it meaning. This meaning increases its value and allows you to grow self respect and attract love.

The miracle is you, a source of light that changes how other people live their life.

If you were to focus on creation knowing that destruction may occur to grow; then your final act will be known as a creator.

You may never grow doing it the other way around.

Modern wisdom tells us ‘do not kill’. Ancient wisdom tells us ‘do not murder’.

If this the same? Is this a little too deep?

If you love life you will defend it.

If you are too literal about death; how will you choose sense over nonsense?

If you focus on being a better human you can gain clarity.

This clarity helps you know what moves you toward growth.

Now you have clarity you can focus your efforts on moving the needle toward happiness.

Effort is key to acting on what is important to you the human being.

Effort gets you the feedback you need to know if you are on the right path.

It can help you choose the distraction you use to have fun, to relax or to be at peace and refuel.

If you use your effort well; then a distraction can be the reward or the lifestyle.

Evaluating your effort helps you seek reward, so freedom can be yours to live.

If we use the modern reward of money; then money today is better than money tomorrow.

More importantly if you are growing your relationships; then effort today can also create money for tomorrow.

How can you harvest this effort so that each time you connect your effort to a clear vision the reward can be yours?

This can be answered through systems.

These systems serve you, your people and your god.

The G word is something you must define and as an ancient being this space belongs inside of you.

It must be clarified, so you can grow relationships.

If you spend the time to know yourself, then service to other people is your reward for life leading to an understanding of who your God can be.

I have defined God and I will share my vision so you can know I see myself and you as one.

Our DNA shows proof of 6 million years of code. Today we exist with 3 other beings like us. The Orangutang, the Great Apes and Chimpanzees.

These 4 beings give us insight. The Orangutangs have their own DNA and stand alone. The Great apes and humans are similar. The chimpanzee is a complex being.

There is more complexity between 2 chimps that live across a river than a great Ape and Human Being who live on opposite sides of earth.

Being blessed with this DNA proof, I want you to know that the first human and other life forms all share the same life force.

Some life complex, some life simple; but the same light.

If you imagine an upside down triangle with you as the one at the bottom; above you is 6 million years of life to create you.

It is creation that brings you into existence.

The creator is a God. You are the essence of God. Not a God. You are the essence; a piece of the life that creates.

You, your people and your God are One.

The largest system we exist within is the universe, the One Song.

To understand the miracle is to grow relationships with yourself, your people, gaining the power of your God.

This life force flows through the universe into you; the miracle.

I hope this one letter gives you clarity, focusing your efforts and helping you grow relationships to become better at being you!

Let me know if you want to grow with me.


William Price.

Clarify the vision.

Evaluate your efforts.

Grow your relationships.


or to participate.